Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Fear of Success

Why are you afraid of success?

Are You A Risk Taker?

Are You A Risk Taker?

Let 2014 be the year of greatness and abundance of all good things for you.
Leave fears and doubt behind. Go forward with confidence and faith.

The most successful people are risk takers.
Jesus spoke of the man who had five talents and gained 5 more. Another had two and doubled it also. One had one, and buried it because he was afraid of losing it.
Are you burying the talent God has given you? Are you afraid to invest your time, money, love? Think about it. The men who increased were commended by their master while the one who was afraid to take risk was rebuked.

Let 2014 be the year of greatness and abundance of all good things for you.
Leave fears and doubt behind. Go forward with confidence and faith.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.
With God all things are possible. The word impossible spells,
I'm Possible. You are a possibility. Rise up and speak the word of God that is relevant to your situation. God's words will never return to him void. There is power in his words if you believe.
Take the time to read and meditate on Mark 9:23
All things are possible to him that believe.
Here is another powerful scripture to take action on.
Mathew 7:7
"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."

Monday, January 25, 2010

To Be Successful..Get On Board With Successful People

Fifteen years a go I made a phone call to a very successful 25 year old guy. He was making $52,000/month. I asked him his secret.

This was what he told me.

Several years ago I left China and came here with my family. We were very very poor. I decided that I was not going to be poor so I got involved in net work marketing. For over 5 years I hopped from one program to the next. I spent money and lost a lot.

One day I met a very rich and successful net work marketer. I asked him his secret. He told me to get lined up with successful people.

I took his advice and since that day life has changed for me.

Today I am happy to report that , that is my story too.

I took his advice and teamed up with successful people.

Starting today. Make the decision to associate only with those who are positive.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


 Believe this: You are what you think!

What are you thinking about at this moment ? Did you know that your thoughts can determine your success or failure. Your thoughts can make you sick or well. They can bring you poverty or wealth, happiness or sadness, success or failure.

Positive thoughts are uplifting and energizing. Several research have proven the positive effect of positive thoughts and the negative effect of negative thoughts.

Change your thoughts and change your life!

Positive Affirmations

  • I am wonderfully made by God the Creator.
  • I have all I need to succeed.
  • I walk in divine health.
  • I have favor with God and man.
  • Everything I touch is blessed.
  • The angels of God surround me.
  • No Weapon that is formed against me shall prosper.
  • I enjoy the present moment.
  • This is the best day of my life!
Finally, think on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely,and gracious.
If there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about them.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Repeat these everyday.
  • I am successful today
  • I am attracting motivated, positive, caring and successful business partners.
  • I help  12 or more business partners to achieve their goal.
  • I share my opportunity with everyone I meet.
  • My business is very successful.
  • I set short term as well as long term goals for my business.
  • These I write down and review daily.
  • I am successful.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How To Build A Successful Home Based Business

How To Build A Successful Home based Business

You can build a successful business If you really want to. Follow these simple tips.

I have found these simple plan of actions very helpful in helping me to build a solid business partnership with my business partners around the globe.. You too can experience this kind of success if you just follow these good advice.
  • Stay in touch with your business partners. 
  • Welcome every new business partners via email or phone call.
  • Offer to help them achieve their goals .
  • Teach them how to succeed.
  • Have them duplicate what is working for you .
  • Be an example.
  • Be Positive.
  • Write down your personal goals.
  •  Take action!!
  • Get on a fast tract with your team players.
  • Do something every day to build your business.If you do Nothing..Nothing will happen!!!!
  • Advertise, Advertise, Advertise. 
  • Offer your help to those who appreciate it.
  • Do not waste your time on those who take up most of your time YET produce nothing. These are members who always have an excuse..
  • Be Positive. Not everyone will join you. Expect some nos.That's normal.
  • Do not become discouraged when others do not share your dream. Keep searching for those who want financial freedom.
  • Avoid negative people. They will zap your energy.
  • Motivate your self by reading inspiring books related to successful business owners.
  • Learn from your experts.
  • Get your self a mentor.
  • Be a mentor!
  • Take time to RELAX!
  • NEVER QUIT..If it's gonna be!..It's UP to me!
  • Be Blessed!
Tassel Daley
Your Success Coach.
954 584 6382