Jesus the Master Teacher and Business man gave us a very powerful, effective success formula.
In this success formula lies the key to great success for all areas of
our lives. Those who use it experience great success while those who
don't, experience great lack.
So, what is this success formula? This formula is found in Matthew 7:7
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"
Is this success formula guaranteed? Absolutely! God is not man that he should lie.
"For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened" Mathew 7:8
Let me pause here to ask you a few pertinent questions.
1. What is preventing you from asking?
2. What is preventing you from seeking?
3. What is preventing you from knocking?
Let's take a look at question # 2
What is preventing you from seeking?
Seeking takes action. Getting out of your comfort zone or resisting the spirit of complacency are two powerful actions you must take in order for you to achieve success. The word "seek' means to look. If you lose a ring, money, or whatever, you must get up and walk around and look for that which you have lost. If you need a job you must get up and make the call, write the resume. If you need business partners you must get out and look. Keep looking until you find.
Singles, get out of your home, go where the oranges are so to speak.
10 Steps to Overcome the Spirit of Complacency
1.Don't wait for things to happen. Get up and make them happen!
2.Associate yourself with vibrant, positive, ambitious individuals.
3.Set daily goals and take actions.
4. Invest in inspiring books on the subject.
5.Do daily self talk. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
6. Be assertive.
7. Be proactive.
8. Take care of yourself physically.
9. Listen to motivational tapes.
10. Ask God for guidance and strength.
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